Saturday, November 30, 2019

Web Advertising Essay Research Paper Web advertising free essay sample

Web Advertising Essay, Research Paper Web advertisement, non to advert the Internet itself, finds itself in a phase of comparative babyhood and hence provides sellers with novel challenges and state of affairss which need to be dealt with cautiousness. The kingdom of Web advertisement is unchartered terri Tory! In footings of South Africa, the state finds itsef slightly behind technologically. However, this may non turn out to be a disadvantage as the unsure nature of Web advertisement may do a policy of # 8216 ; watching and larning # 8217 ; most feasible. What deductions will this new engineering have for selling? What is the nature of Web advertisement? How can a concern use the medium efficaciously? Where is all this traveling? These inquiries appear to be most pertinent in the procedure of understanding interact ive selling on the Internet. The qualified sentiment of John Matthee, a Web site interior decorator employed by Adept Internet ( an Internet service supplier ) , was sought in accretion of a big amount of the undermentioned information. We will write a custom essay sample on Web Advertising Essay Research Paper Web advertising or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This seems appropriate as the freshness of Web advertisement at this phase H as led to generral deficiency of academic informations in the practicalities of advertisement via this medium. 2 ) THE INTERNET: AN Introduction 2.1 ) Original development of the Internet What was originally created by the US military to supply a secure means of communicating in instance of atomic war, which has now become known as the Internet, has metamorphosed into the strategic planetary communications tool of our epoch. The terminal of the cold tungsten Ar left this monolithic installed construction # 8211 ; ab initio dubbed ARPANET- without much of a intent. Soon universities, major corporations and authoritiess began to piggyback on to the planetary model, widening its range and commercializing it. Known as the N et to aficionados, the Handiness of inexpensive, accessible and easy-to-use Net entree points throughout the universe has seen the figure of planetary Internet users increase dramatically each month. While the convenience of electronic mail was initial accelerator for Internet growing universe broad, it # 8217 ; s the outgrowth of the World Wide Web ( WWW ) multimedia interface that has captured the attending of prospective users across the Earth. The resources available on the WWW are every bit varied as they are extended. There 100s of 1000s of sites which can be loosely categorised under subjects such as athletics, amusement, finance and many more ( Perlman, 1996 ) . 2.2 ) Development of Internet in South Africa Perlman ( 1996, p 29 ) ventured that # 8216 ; South Africa is major planetary Internet participant. It presently rates in the top 15 in the universe footings of Internet growing rates. # 8217 ; Local user Numberss are surely fueled by universities, companies and schools. The generation of South Africa # 8217 ; s rapid Internet growing seems to stem from UniNet, the Internet service offered to the states major third establishments and steered from Rhod Es University. This explains the phenomenon whereby the bulk of local Internet enterpriser # 8211 ; many of them are under 30 and already multi-millionaires # 8211 ; come from third instruction backgrounds where they were weaned on readily available Internet entree. Popular # 8216 ; browser # 8217 ; client package for voyaging the multimedia WWW includes Netscape and Microsoft Internet Explorer. On the other terminal, there exist about 30 local companies which call themselves ISP # 8217 ; s ( Internet Service Providers ) , which operate in similar manner to a cellular company such as Vodacom, supplying either dial-up connexions to the Internet and/or leased line connectivity to companies. This has led to the detonation of a figure of related ventures, such as companies who speci alise in bring forthing multimedia web pages ( such as Adept Internet ) , Internet commercialism, overseas telegram companies and modem providers ( Perlman, 1996 ) . 2.3 ) Technological Deductions for Marketing Joseph ( 1996, p. 29 ) briefly described the state of affairs as such: # 8216 ; Marketing, like most concern subjects, is undergoing a period of alteration as a direct consequence of the information revolution. The quickly worsening costs of and increasing power of information processing engineering is changing the in which clients and concerns relate to each other. Sellers, nevertheless should be cautious non to try a quantum spring from more traditional Methedrine Doctor of Optometries as this is certain to convey issues such as deficiency expertness to the bow which could turn out black ( Steyn, 1996 ) . Basically, the point is that as a selling thrust, the extra services supplied by engineering provides the seller with the chance to derive an border in the race to win the consumer. More and more, new engineering appears to be concentrating on the attention deficit disorder ition of value. On an single degree, for illustration, the seller may utilize the engineering to do himself more accessible to the consumer therefore adding to his service degrees. A company may gain added value by puting in expensive multimedia booths which present the topic of synergistic selling ( Joseph, 1996 ) . The outgrowth of new and radical engineering forms a double-bladed blade, as it can stand for both an chance and a menace to the concern. In peculiar, this engineering places an interesting and fresh challenge on the shoulders of the modern district attorney Y seller. The failure to use these developments can set the concern at a great competitory disadvantage while even the practical application of the engineering can supply major jobs caused merely by the freshness of the options, a general deficiency of expertness and the trouble of accurate anticipation ( David, 1997 ) . The procedure must get down with the person himself. A seller who is non forcing the bounds of personal technological patterned advance is most likely non inclined to make the same for the company ( Joseph, 1996 ) . Joseph ( 1996, p.29 ) concluded that # 8216 ; The Internet, multi-faceted contraptions and even the creative activity of new applications for old engineering are all the sphere of the selling visionary. # 8217 ; 3 ) THE INTRODUCTION OF INTERACTIVE Selling ON THE INTERNET Internationally, the Internet medium is successfully selling everything from nuts and bolts to autos, belongings and traditional mail order merchandises. A pertinent inquiry that arises is: # 8216 ; What forces led to either the inadvertent outgrowth of synergistic selling on the cyberspace or the realization of a demand for the development of an alternate selling medium that satisfied specific consumer or seller demands? # 8217 ; Steyn ( 1996, p.13 ) introduces the construct of synergistic selling through the words: # 8217 ; Interactive selling uses new engineerings to get the better of practical database and direct selling jobs whilst constructing more rewarding client relationships # 8217 ; . From the sellers # 8217 ; point of position, interactivity, is the convergence of three chief advertisement maps or activities: direct selling, gross revenues publicity and conventional above the line advertisement. The developments allowed by synergistic selling throug h the Internet focal point chiefly on how profitable market sections were identified and how these sections were reached. Interactivity allows the chance to track single clients one at a clip and to construct single relationships with each. This indic ates the huge benefits that Internet interactivity supply in footings of database preparation, direction and use. However, the chief challenge that does and will go on to blight advertizers in the hereafter will be carrying the spectator to seek the se rvice. Interactivity has three nucleus features: * Offer much more information than a telecasting advertizement. * Requires the conventional copywriting accomplishments combined with those of the direct seller to turn the browse viewing audiences into gross revenues chances. * The accent, merely due the nature of the medium, is more likely to be on gross revenues publicity type tools to lure the viewing audiences to see an ad and so on invariably reviewing the content and originative intervention, to guarantee that they revisit it ( Steyn, 1996 ) . The issues of the nature of the Internet as an advertisement medium and the creative activity and care of an Internet web site are addressed to the full in subdivisions 7 ) and 6.3 ) severally. CD-ROM engineering is alone in its ability to unite critical parts of publicity, that is: print, sound and ocular messages in a bundle that can be distributed harmonizing to a random entree database. ( Steyn, 1996 ) . Clever sellers are utilizing the medium to pull purchasers closer to their companies as a whole and non merely closer to the merchandises or services they provide. This emphasises the advantages synergistic selling provides in footings of making stronger, more unde rstanding relationships with consumers. The debut of synergistic selling and specifically synergistic advertisement heralds the beginning of an epoch where clients will take the advertisement they wish to see, when they want to see it. This proves to be a trademark of the modern-day con Sumer who is far more informed than his blindly accepting predecessors have been. Consumers of today are evermore demanding personalised attending from concerns that wish to function them. Furthermore, the really fact that the modern consumer is better infor med fuels his demand for informed minutess with concerns. The modern consumer wants to cognize what merchandise he is purchasing, what its elaborate features are, how he can anticipate it to execute, what options he is faced with and why he should pay the offered monetary value for it. The nature of synergistic selling on the Internet provides an ideal medium for the satisfaction of the demanding modern twenty-four hours consumer. It is evidently of critical importance that a seller recognises these demands and develops syste MS for fulfilling them, therefore, synergistic selling on the Internet. Steyn ( 1996, p.13 ) boldly concludes that # 8216 ; There is hence no uncertainty that synergistic selling is assisting to get the better of practical database and direct selling jobs while constructing more rewarding client relationships. # 8217 ; Online shopping Online shopping is an component of synergistic selling that has found itself under the limelight since its recent origin. Virtual retail sites on the Web continue to turn. Some sites are strictly promotional while on the other utmost consumers are promised the lowest monetary values as the merchandise is drop-shipped straight from the maker ( Swart, 1996 ) . Anyhow, the Internet as a shopping promenade has non enjoyed a favorable repute as it is seen as a aureate chance for sophisticated stealers to obtain recognition card Numberss from the overseas telegram. As a consequence concerns have shied from any Net-based commercialism. As a consequence the Web has been trapped in a signifier of clip deflection, useable merely as an information medium and non as a dealing medium. Of the 1000s of South African companies on the Web, few offer anything more than extremely enlightening web sites which still leave the consumer wondering: # 8216 ; I wish the Internet could take me that one measure further, SAFELY # 8217 ; . However, the tide is fleetly altering due to bold engineering and concern moves. The improved security and growing if the electronic-commerce substructure hour angle s prompted optimistic projections for the hereafter of synergistic online gross revenues. Furthermore, South Africa suffers from an unbearable postal job and an effectual place bringing system would hold to be developed for place shopping to be feasible ( Rath, 1997 ) . However, ideas of an matchless ability to compare merchandises, to be provid erectile dysfunction with merchandise information and to be shown merchandise presentations and alternate positions will spur the pursuit for a feasible online shopping system with great urgency. Recently a groundbreaking development in online shopping was made by M-Web in coaction with over a 1000 renters runing from big corporations such as ABSA to little retail merchants and service suppliers. Bruce Cohen, general director of M-Web interact ive, claims that # 8216 ; The M-Web promenade is designed to speed up involvement in on-line shopping by supplying a one-stop shopping environment under on practical roof. # 8217 ; 4 ) WEB Ad 4.1 ) The Nature of Web advertisement It is estimated that there is more than five million commercial pages on the Web, more than 100 companies are traveling on-line day-to-day and that # 8216 ; net-watching # 8217 ; has become a dedicated map within more progressive houses. Furthermore, companies that are on-line are more inclined to utilize this installation as a agency for pass oning new merchandise developments ( Rath, 1997 ) . In pattern, great accomplishments are being made in the domain of Web advertisement as the initial freshness of the construct wears off and experts in the field become more accustomed to the features and kineticss of the Internet as an advertisement tool ( J. Matthee, personal communicating, 20 April 1998 ) . However, the Internet is non yet a proven publicizing medium and as such is unseasoned, unregulated and unprocessed ( Swart.1996 ) . This very state of affairs frequently consequences in wise concerns nearing Internet advertisement companies that possess the necessary expertness to publicize efficaciously on the Internet. The Internet # 8217 ; s deficiency of meddlesomeness as a medium ( see Section 7 ) implies that direct selling requires action by the consumer. In order to bring on this required action, an advertizer needs to cognize his audience intensely in order to be able to lure foreheads Ers to come in the site. Therefore, it is the duty of the advertisement bureau non merely to integrate above-the-line schemes but besides to include the below-the-line schemes in all their Internet clients # 8217 ; runs 4.2 ) Web advertisement Channelss The beginnings of Web advertisement are ironically rooted in what many consider as a frustrating method called # 8217 ; spamming # 8217 ; whereby messages refering merchandises or concern information were sent at random to Internet users e-mail references. This rough signifier of ad vertising can be likened to common junkmail found in a mailbox among things of relevancy such as personal mail and measures. Thingss have advancements slightly and a figure of channels hold become available to the concern interested in Web advertisement and rega rdless of which channel is decided upon it is common pattern to attack an on-line bureau for adjutant ( J. Matthee, pesonal communicating, 20 April 1998 ) . Making an Electrical Storefront Thousands of concerns have established a place page on the Internet which offer a broad assortment of information such as: descriptions of the company and its merchandises ; a company catalogue depicting merchandise # 8217 ; s characteristics, handiness and monetary values, company intelligence, chances to talk with staff members and the ability to put an order before go forthing the site. The chief aim of these sites is trade name edifice. Another purpose may be to back up an event and in this instance the page may be impermanent. When a company decides to open an electronic shopfront it has two picks: 1 ) The company can open its ain shop on the Internet through a Web waiter or ; 2 ) The company can purchase a location on commercial on-line service. The on-line service will typically plan the electronic shopfront for the company and publicize its add-on to the shopping promenade for a limited period of clip ( Kotler, 1997 ) . Participating in Forums, Newsgroups and Bulletin Boards These groups are non designed for commercial intents particularly but engagement may better a company # 8217 ; s visibleness and credibleness. Bulletin boards are specialised online services that centre on a specific subject or group. Forums are discussion groups l ocated on commercial online services and may run a library, a conference room for existent clip chatting, and even a classified advertizement directory. Finally, newsgroups are the Internets version of forums, but are limited to people posting and message s on a peculiar subject, instead than pull offing libraries or conferencing ( Kotler, 1997 ) . Puting Ads Online A figure of ways exist for companies or persons or companies who wish to put advertizements on commercial online services. First, major commercial online services offer an advertisement subdivision for naming classified advertizements whereby the ads are listed harmonizing to when they arrived with the most recent reachings exceeding the list. Second, ads can be placed in certain newsgroups that are set up for commercial intents. Third, ads can be placed on online hoardings. This method can be irrit ating to the browser because the advertizements appear while endorsers are utilizing the service even though they did non bespeak an ad ( Kotler, 1997 ) . A 4th option is to engage an advertisement bureau to make and put an advertizement at a popular site on the Web, similar to purchasing timeslots on a telecasting channel. Ad on hunt engines such as Lycos and Yahoo besides proves to be effectual although really expensive ( J. Matthee, personal communicating, 20 April 1998 ) . Using E-mail A company can promote chances and clients to direct inquiries, suggestions, and even ailments to the company, utilizing the company utilizing the companies E-mail reference. Customer service representatives can react to the clients in a short clip via E-m garlic ( Kotler, 1997 ) . 5 ) WEB ADVERTISING DEVELOPMENT IN SOUTH AFRICA In South Africa, the Internet is still restricted to really niched market supplying companies with the opportunity to work this chance and construct a database of visitants to their site. This state of affairs is rather evidently attributable to the economic sciences of Sout h Africa # 8217 ; s societal category construction. This is an advantage because sellers can utilize this information to make accurate profiles of the visitants to their site and develop individualized advertisement attempts, which are particularly important in the domain of Web ad vertising. Currently, in South Africa, Computicket ( hypertext transfer protocol: // ) has taken the lead in on-line engagements although services that are provided by Computicket of course thin towards the usage of the Internet as a medium ( Douvos, 1996 ) . David Frankel of Internet Solutions summed up the South African state of affairs neatly by stating that # 8216 ; # 8230 ; . Peoples are still acquiring their custodies around it [ the Internet ] and working out how to do money out of it. I don # 8217 ; t think that anyone is making so at prese National Trust in South Africa, although a batch of people are trying. # 8217 ; IS-Commercial a division Internet Solutions scored a South African foremost in 1996 in the development of a softw are engine that searched merely South African Web resources. This introduced a new facet to Web advertisement in South Africa as it means that local Web users no longer hold to sift through a colossal sum of topical hypertext links from around the Earth. Ad on the South African Web has certainly benefited from this development which makes South African relevant stuff far more accessible a nd therefore implies increases Web site hit rates. The hunt engine that was developed is called Ananzi and is presently the 2nd most hit Web site in the state. Advertisers now hold the chance of puting an icon on this page which instantly g Ivess them a formidable trade name prevision ( Williams, 1997 ) . A host of Web page advertisement companies have sprung up in South Africa, including an upstart from Port Elizabeth, called Web Advertising, which have succeeded in organizing a engineering and capableness sharing association with the United States publicizing a gency Web advertisement ( Perlman, 1996 ) . After unprecedented growing in the Internet in 1996, The Loerie awards included a new class in 1997 dedicated to Web creativeness and corporate usage of the Internet. 6 ) WEB Ad AND THE BUSINESS 6.1 ) Introduction Companies are progressively recognizing the importance of using a full-systems position in utilizing their communicating tools. The purpose is to put the overall communicating budget and the right allotment of financess to each communicating tool. Web advertis ing is going a more and more critical constituent of a house # 8217 ; s advertisement budget and therefore demands reasonable and rational consideration and planning. The kineticss and comparative freshness of Web advertisement makes it important that the imperfect concern, which is suggesting a Web advertisement run, pull up a comprehensive advertisement plan. It is critical for administrations that are sing an Internet selling scheme to efficaciously organize each constituent. The bottomline is that administrations are seting themselves into the planetary market place. It is therefore of import for people to be crit ical of what works good and what meets their demand with an Internet selling scheme ( Perlman, 1996 ) . By utilizing the standard advertisement plan procedure ( Kotler, 1997 ) as a base, it is simple to sketch the features of the Internet which a concern must take into consideration when be aftering a Web advertisement run. The assorted stairss involved in T he procedure of be aftering an advertisement plan are depicted in subdivision 5.2.1 below and the particular features of the Internet are superimposed into this model in subdivision 5.2.2 through subdivision 5.2.7. 6.2 ) Developing and Pull offing an Ad Plan 6.2.1 ) Introduction to the Advertising Program Process In developing an advertisement plan, selling directors must ever get down by placing the mark market and purchaser motivations. This applies, possibly even more so, to the new advertisement option represented by the Internet. The following measure is to do fiv vitamin E major determinations in developing an advertisement run, known as the five Multiple sclerosiss: * Mission: What are the advertisement aims? * Money: How much can be spent? * Message: What message should be sent? * Media: What media should be used? * Measurement: How should the consequences be evaluated? 6.2.2 ) Swot Analysis This measure is a necessity when analyzing the feasibleness of any intended concern proposition and when the planning of that operation takes topographic point. It involves a survey of the house # 8217 ; s internal strengths and failings every bit good as the external chances and menaces presented by fortunes in the environment. Web publicizing provides a particular challenge to sellers and contrivers due to its comparative babyhood, which brings antecedently un-encountered fortunes to the bow. In footings of internal strengths and failings, it is common pattern at this phase in Web advertisement for concerns to near Internet service suppliers such as Adept Internet to pull off the elaboratenesss of advertisement on the Internet. Therefore, issues refering ability to really put an effectual advertizement on the Internet are shifted to specialize companies. Harmonizing to Trafex pull offing manager David Pegg # 8216 ; # 8230 ; few administrations have the proficient accomplishments and fiscal resources to set up a nd manage a sophisticated private trading web. It makes sense for companies to concentrate on their nucleus concern and allow experts look after their trading spouse connections. # 8217 ; The survey of external menaces and chances in Web advertisement mostly involves market analysis and the effort to place the company # 8217 ; s typical client, how they can be enticed to see the company # 8217 ; s net site and how they can convert to maintain on V isiting the web site. Web site design companies and dedicated following companies who try to look into the demographics of a visitant to site are coming to the bow, making an wholly new industries in the procedure ( Perlman, 1996 ) . Research in South Africa cla ssifies the Web user base as a niche, peculiarly from the point of position that the users tend to portion features that make them a targetable section. Profile of the theoretical account Web user: Internet surfboarders would surely be considered technologically progr essive, pioneers and early-adopters. In footings of demographic profiles, the average age of users worldwide is around 35 old ages, with about 50 % holding third instruction and largely gaining A incomes. Male users have outnumbered female users in the pas T but gender para has late been reached ( Rath, 1997 ) . 6.2.3 ) Ad aims It is non uncommon with the coming of the Internet and the advertisement possibilities that it provides that many companies become roseola in their programs for Web advertisement. This can be black without first analyzing the aims of a publicity via the web. The kernel of the medium is still to be assessed in relation to the manner concern can be conducted. 6.2.4 ) How much can be spent? The direct set up costs to the seller are likely to be in surplus of R100 000 for an above-average site but, farther to this cost, are costs if site care, sweetenings and waiter storage. The direct and indirect costs of Web site development are T herefore non undistinguished, necessitating considerable capital, clip and energy to set up and to maintain it alive ( Rath, 1997 ) . Smaller graduated table concerns, for illustration a java store such as Fandango in Stellenbosch, which wishes to use Web advertisement, can anticipate to pay from R1000 for web site design. A site such as this could be linked to four other sites and besides requires cons tant care which frequently entails higher costs than the development of the Web site ( J. Matthee, personal communicating, 20 April 1998 ) . 6.2.5 ) Message It should be stressed that Internet site development is portion of the selling map and does non fall within the kingdom of the Information Technology Department. Management is frequently tempted to let the IT section to make a Web site because it woul 500 seem to offer the most cost-efficient solution. However, the sites that have been designed by coders are noteworthy for their deficiency of creativeness and by and large do non lure the spectator. This, in kernel, revolves around the inquiry of the Web sites me ssage ( Rath, 1997 ) . The rules that apply to media such as telecasting and wireless are by and large applicable to message preparation on a Web site although valuable information that is dynamic seems to be the key ( J. Matthee, personal communicating, 20 April 1998 ) . 6.2.6 ) Medium The Internet as an advertisement medium has a figure of built-in advantages and disadvantages which are discussed in subdivision 7. 6.2.7 ) Measure and Evaluate Performance To quantify a Web sites part to gross is frequently rather hard. Where gross revenues are generated more-or-less straight off the Net, the company # 8217 ; s return on investing is a affair of simple arithmetic. However, where the company provides an added value service via the Net, the site # 8217 ; s part to the bottom line is far less easy to quantify ( Rath, 1997 ) . In footings of existent Web site design effectivity, procedures are still mostly vague. Many on-line administrations do be, nevertheless, that proctor and supply Web site statistics, viz. figure of hits and how for how long visitants stayed at the site, for a fee ( J. Matthee, personal communicating, 20 April 1998 ) . Furthermore, information can be obtained detailing the demographics of visitants to a Web sit although this is more hard. This can enable a company to step the Web site # 8217 ; s effectivity in footings of making the company # 8217 ; s mark market. It is rather hundred ommon now for the Web itself to be used for research intents with companies inquiring Web users for personal responses to merchandises, sites and messages. This besides provides feedback on the sites effectivity and facilitates disciplinary action. 6.3 ) The Web site Itself 6.3.1 ) Web site Design Web site design is really much a gray country in footings of the fact that Web advertisement is a comparatively new add-on to a concern pick of promotional options. However, guidelines do be which can increase the opportunity of web site effectivity. These one nclude inquiries such as: Who would utilize our service or merchandise ; how probably is our mark market to be on the Net and who understands the civilization of this new medium to make a site that encapsulates the trade name, the civilization and the practicality of web adver tising. Other facets are the apprehension of the demand to use the expertness of a company that specializes in design for an synergistic medium. Integrating a wealth of utile information, synergistic games and an easiness of pilotage through the site have besides proved to increase Web site effectivity ( Joseph, 1997 ) . Experience and creativeness are most decidedly necessary features of a Web site interior decorator who is normally employed by an Internet service supplier such as Adept Internet. Feedback via methods that are mentioned in subdivision 5.2.7 above could supply in dications of responses to Web site design. Once once more, the rules applied in the telecasting, wireless and print media all apply to the design of a Web site. Fundamentalss of consumer behavior and psychological science should be understood by anybody trying to u ndertake commercial Web site design ( J. Matthee, personal communicating, 20 April 1998 ) . 6.3.2 ) Web Site Maintenance As with any medium of advertisement, an inferior show can be damaging to a house # 8217 ; s image. However, Web site care due to its trust on a freshly developed engineering must receive particular attending. This explains why a company may bring on greater outgo in the care of a Web site than in the existent design and creative activity of the sit e. Maintenance of a Web site has two deductions: First, information supplied by the site must be dynamic, that is, it must be updated on a regular basis in order to pull browsers on the Net to revisit the site ; secondly, the site must be checked on a regular basis to e nsure that no mistakes have occurred in the content as a consequence of any harm to informations for case ( J. Matthee, personal communicating, 20 April 1998 ) . An illustration of the 2nd job is clearly demonstrated by the printout of the java store Fandango # 8217 ; s We b site in which the chief image failed to lade. See figure 1 in subdivision 5.4 below. ( Take note: John Matthee, who originally designed the site and who, as an employee of Adept Internet, is hired to manage the care of the site, has since rectified the job. ) 6.4 ) Profiles of Examples Example1: Fandango The Fandango Web site provides an illustration of the importance of site care. See figure 1. Example2: SAA This provides a successful illustration of advertisement by agencies of seting up an full site which serves a trade name edifice exercising. The air hose # 8217 ; s site took all important factors outlined above in subdivision 5.3.1 into consideration and the consequence is axiomatic. The site won the esteemed Magellan award which is contested for by two million sites. 7. ) THE INTERNET AS AN Ad Medium 7.1 ) Advantages. The demographics of the mean Internet surfboarder are attractive plenty to justify their inclusion as an of import niche market ( Rath, 1997 ) . The Web can be transformed into a research tool, a trade name builder and an advertisement medium in one slide, something non offered by other media ( Joseph, 1996 ) . Furthermore, unlike other media where the advertisement bureau is the lone nexus between the client and the media proprietor, the Web allows the client to go the media proprietor. From the company # 8217 ; s point of position, by purchasing into the engineering itself, a company hour angle s the ability to come in the universe of cyber selling without the intercession of any mediators. Yet another competitory advantage of this medium is that it provides advertizers with reassuringly detailed demographics about who really saw their advertizement, turning it into a marketing research every bit good as an advertisement medium ( Williams, 1996 ) . Synergistic media can run in districts non covered by a seller # 8217 ; s gross revenues force. It can convey the salesroom and the gross revenues pitch to the purchasers distant locations merely by dropping it in the station. 7.2 ) Disadvantages Lack of Intrusiveness The persuasive elements of the Internet advertizement normally lie at least one chink off from the user # 8217 ; s current location and this requires the user to be sufficiently interested in the merchandise or intrigued by the advertizement streamer to snap the to the advert. Restrictions of Banners The Web has chiefly been used for the presentation of text and artworks onto reasonably little computing machine screens. This size restriction restricts the conventional Web ad to a streamer inquiring the user to snap # 8216 ; here # 8217 ; for more information. This in bend provides en discoid lupus erythematosus originative limitations ( McDonald, 1997 ) . Extremist Atomization It is really hard for any given site to pull adequate attending to itself to pull an audience big plenty to count to an advertizer. 8 ) WEB ADVERTISING SCENARIOS FOR THE NEAR # 8211 ; TERM FUTURE Scenario # 1: Web site Shakeout There are good grounds to oppugn whether the Web advertisement pie will turn out big plenty to back up the legion commercial Web sites that are numbering on it for nutriment. Holocene studies that some publishing houses are scaling back their web publication scope ions, or closing down sites wholly lend acceptance to the impression that there will be important # 8217 ; shakeout # 8217 ; as commercial Web sites fail for deficiency of a feasible concern theoretical account ( McDonald, 1997 ) . Scenario # 2: Advertising-content loanblends Advertisers who do non sell their merchandises straight to consumers but still want to happen a manner to take part in synergistic media will return to a theoretical account that prevailed in the early yearss of telecasting sponsorship. By patronizing a site that consumers value, the advertizer will trust to construct positive associations for the trade name. The communicating restrictions of streamers will be overcome by environing content with imagination related to the sponsoring trade name. Where practical sponsor-friendly content will be interle aved will brand-neutral content. Though there will be some reaction against this hybridization on the portion of media critics and consumers likewise, the signifier will likely still flourish as the digital equivalent of the informercial ( McDonald, 1997 ) . Scenario # 3: Internet service supplier # 8217 ; s provoke privateness whiplash New coevalss of Internet service supplier will emerge that will supply an inordinately sophisticated database that captures information on how single endorsers use the Internet. This will enable the seller to customise communications back into the box in the subscriber # 8217 ; s place and herewith the Web will be able to populate up to its promises of one-to-one selling ( McDonald, 1997 ) . Scenario # 4: Ads get detached from the media Marketers will be able to direct targeted information to endorsers on their past Web use patterns irrespective of what current Web sites they are sing. In consequence, they will be able to sell the audience to publicizing straight without the mediator of the media ( McDonald, 1997 ) . 9 ) Decision The Internets Multimedia arm, the World Wide Web, can back up both consumer selling and trade selling aims. The Web is where all the commercial activity and its importance as a new medium has been recognised to the extent that it will be step d in all US media research from this twelvemonth. The Web provides a company with entree to a planetary audience of consumers in their 1000000s, and besides to a really broad scope of companies ( Rath, 1997 ) The Internet has provided sellers with exciting and disputing advertisement chances. There will doubtless be many lessons to be learned in the near-future refering the intracacies and oddities of the medium. South Africa is technologically equipped to do full usage of the Internet # 8217 ; s capablenesss and South African marketer # 8217 ; s are provided with an chance to turn out themselves to a really feasible Internet market. In decision, the hereafter of the Internet and Web advertisement can be encapsulated through the words of John Matthee # 8216 ; bigger and better, bigger and better # 8230 ; # 8217 ; . 10 ) Mentions 1. David, F. R ( 1997 ) . Concepts of Strategic Management ( 6th ed. ) . New Jersey: Prentice Hall 2.Direct Selling. Supplement 96. Marketing Mix ; Vol. 14, lss 6, P 1 # 8211 ; 43, Jul. ; 1996 3.Douvos, E. Net Gross saless Marketing Mix ; Vol. 14, lss 7, p14, Aug. , 1996 4.Hopkins, B. Beyond direct selling. Market Mix ; Vol. 14, lss 7, p10, Aug. 1996 5.Joseph, E, The wonderful wired universe of Marketing ; Internet: Technology. Marketing Mix, Vol. 14. Iss 7, p28 # 8211 ; 29, 31, 33 -34, Aug. , 1996 6. Kotler, P, ( 1997 ) . Marketing Management ( 9th ed. ) . New Jersey: Prentice Hall 7.Perlman, L. You get what you pay for: the bandwidth wars ; Internet solution bundles: Bundled solutions ; If you # 8217 ; ve got it flaunt it: advertisement: Internet. Finance hebdomad ; Vol. 69 ; Iss 11, P 32, 34, June 13, 1996. 8.Rath, B. Selling on the Web: net return. Marketing mix. Vol. 14, cubic decimeter 3, p 88 -89, APR, 1996. 9.Styen, C. Introducing interactive. Marketing Mix. Vol. 14, Iss 7, p 14 Aug. 1996. 10.Swart, D. Techno Blitz. Marketing Mix ; Vol. 14, lss 7, p 11. Aug. , 1996 11.Williams F, Interview: David Frankel MD. at the Internet Solution Marketing Mix. Vol. 14, Iss 6, P 30 # 8211 ; 31, July, 1996.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

The Mead Hall Womb Essays - Beowulf, Geats, English-language Films

The Mead Hall Womb Essays - Beowulf, Geats, English-language Films Connor Johnson Mr. Kearney Modern Irish Literature, P. 6 26 January 2016 The Mead Hall Womb The mead-hall was a place of joviality as well as civility. An area of government as well as a room of celebration. It was a place of light, warmth, joy, and happiness. Most importantly however, it was home. Seamus Heaney makes the importance of the masculinity of Heorot very clear in his translation of Beowulf: A New Verse Translation. What isnt mentioned throughout this very masculine text is how femininity is interwoven throughout the words. Femininity is needed to give some form of emotion to this overly masculine poem, especially in the use of the mead hall Heorot. In Beowulf, Heorot is written as a great hall built by the Danish Kind Hrothgar for his thanes and villagers. People would go to drink, be merry, converse, and occasionally work on village matters. Heorot translates almost exactly to Hall of Hart. A hart is a male deer. It is a fitting name for the room where masculine warriors gather, as a stag is a major symbol of masculinity, strength, and pride, all intertwined with gracefulness. The hall itself is representative visually of a hart. During the Grendels attack on Heorot, no Shielding elder would believe There was any power of person upon earth Capable of wrecking their horn-rigged hall (Beowulf 779). The horns of the hart are also symbolic especially in the fight against Grendel. Horns, and antlers on a male deer represent regeneration and new life. During his fight with Grendel, the two, monster and man experience a death and rebirth. With the physical death of Grendel, Beowulf experiences a death and resurrection into the underw orld of is mind and soul according to the cosmogonic cycle. With so many Masculine encounters in the poem, there is little room for feminine characters. Few women have a role in this poem, and of those few, half are unnamed. Of the women that are named, their main jobs are to be good hostesses, and even better peacekeepers. Women like Queen Wealhtheow are successful in their attempts to embrace femininity. She serves through her words of encouragement to her people and handing out of treasure to her heroes. Her happiness was found in the helping of others, and serving the masculine figure. Then the grey-haired treasure-giver was glad; The feast continues until Wealhtheow, Hrothgars Queen, comes in and serves mead to the warriors (Beowulf 607,611). The jobs that the women perform are jobs that require heart, an inherently feminine trait. The heart represents love, caring, and life giving. Women who embrace or contain the heart, are like mother figures. On the other hand, failures at the womanly role such as Queen Modthryth, and Grendels mother are either shunned or take on more masculine roles. Grendels mother in particular, is depict ed as a masculine avenger character for Grendel rather than the visa versa. She is an outcast because of her ancestor Cain who killed his own brother (Beowulf 974-75). She never even starts with the ability to contain a heart, having been born into evil. Because she is not fully masculine and is a mix between both gender roles, she fails in her attempts at revenge. The mead hall itself can also be shown as a mother figure Heorot, while translating to stag, stems the word heart. The heart is the feminine part that bleeds into all the masculinity. Thinking of Heorot as a heart, it is considered the mystic center for all warriors, as well as their home. As a mother figure, Heorot is a figure of security, happiness, and warmth that all warriors want to return to. As the mother to the warriors, Heorot represents the womb of regeneration and new life that all men want to return to. Beowulfs fight with Grendel is all the more symbolic having been fought in Heorot. As a womb symbol, the death of Grendel, as well as Beowulfs mind lead to his rebirth the dark side of his journey. Grendels mothers death also taking place in Heorot leads to another death and rebirth of Beowulf but this time from darkness into light. Just like women arent treated highly in the poem, neither in Heorot as a mother figure. Heorot

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Series Of Unfortunate Events English Literature Essay

A Series Of Unfortunate Events English Literature Essay âہ"Although he said he was the executor, Violet felt like Mr. Poe was the executioner.† The Bad Beginning is the first book in the book series A Series of Unfortunate Events written by Lemony Snicket. The Bad Beginning marks a tragic start to the series with the Baudelaire children becoming Baudelaire orphan to the series of unfortunate events that is to follow. The story began with the Baudelaire children (Violet, Klaus and Sunny) playing by the beach when the executor of their parentsâۉ„¢ affairs, Mr. Poe, suddenly appears and tells them that their parents perished in a horrible fire. Depressed and lonely, the children who were now orphans were told that they would live with their closest relative, a man by the name of Count Olaf. Count Olaf treats the children poorly and forced them to perform chores every single day whilst cooking up a plan to steal their fortune. The Baudelaires soon come to realize this and made an attempt to find out about his plan. Count Olafâ ۉ„¢s plan of marrying Violet during the play The marvelous marriage in order to obtain the Baudelaire fortune was known to the three Baudelaires. In an attempt to continue his plans, Count Olaf threatens to take the life of Sunny, the youngest Baudelaire, by dropping her from a 30 ft tower should the other two âہ"misbehaves†. In a desperate attempt to escape this horrible fate violet signed the paper with her left hand instead of her right and waited to reveal this secret only after Count Olaf have released Sunny. However, Count Olaf escapes and vows revenge on the children. In the story, the main protagonists, the Baudelaire children, are a very talented bunch of children. Violet, who had âہ"a real knack for inventing and building†, constructed a grappling hook from dirty cloths and a curtain rod. Klaus, âہ"the middle child and the only twelve† have âہ"read a great many books and had retained a lot of the information from his readings†. Su nny, who was only a baby, likes to bite things and is tiny in size. âہ"What she lacked in size, however, she made up for with the size and sharpness of her teeth.† Count Olaf, whose name sounds like that of a vampire, is the main antagonist. He is a villain that tries to take the Baudelaire fortune. He is best characterized by the following thought from violet; âہ"The really frightening thing about Count Olaf, she realized, was that he was very smart after all. He wasnâۉ„¢t merely an unsavory drunken brute, but an unsavory, clever drunken brute.† The Bad Beginning focuses clearly on one pessimistic theme; the theme of this novel is that the world can be tough and cruel, often getting worse as time progresses. The story first starts with Mr. Poe informing the children about the loss of their parents and gets worse with the introduction of Count Olaf as the Baudelaire orphanâۉ„¢s new guardian. The Baudelaireâۉ„¢s luck then gets even worse when Count Ola f becomes hell-bent on taking their fortune. Then the story reaches its climax (ironically the part with the Baudelaire orphans in the worst situation possible) when Count Olaf threatens to kill Sunny Baudelaire. Finally, at the end of the novel, even when Count Olafâۉ„¢s plot has been revealed, he still manages to escape with all his assistants from the authorities vowing revenge against the Baudelaires.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Organ donation ( think of something intresting for the title) Essay

Organ donation ( think of something intresting for the title) - Essay Example In contrast, the proposed presumed-consent system presumes that an individual is willing to donate unless they opt-out by withdrawing their sanction (Brezina, pg 48). To deal with rising organ shortage, champions of presumed consent argue that it will lead to a substantial rise in number of would-be donors since it will be a suggestion of automatic donation to those who have not conveyed requests to the contrary. They also point out that the burden of determining whether to donate bestowed on relatives in traumatic period will be lifted. Its proponents have also pointed out that presumed consent preserves the spirit of selflessness among Americans. Besides implying that some European countries like Sweden and Spain are a success story in using this model, they point out that presumed consent augments the right of an indivigual to choose what occurs to them after death (Brezina, pg 52). Proponents of this model have faced an equal measure of criticism. While this model hypothetically preserves individualâۉ„¢s independence, it is still coercive. It therefore follows that it is an individualâۉ„¢s responsibility to ensure that the government does not obtain their organs upon death. As this model may increase the number deceased donors since many people will avoid deciding on a matter that can be traumatic and challenging to contemplate, it may be regarded by some people as an affront to individualâۉ„¢s civil liberties. This can lead to a hostile response against organ donation (Brezina, pg 50). This model can also be perceived as being religiously or culturally indifferent. Under presumed consent, the deceased are presumed to be organ donors lest they specify otherwise. Therefore such donations will be deemed ethically appropriate if established that an individual were conscious of the presumption and that the mechanisms for honoring and documenting refusals are effective and certainly available. Critics of presumed consent further point

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Personal and professional development Research Paper

Personal and professional development - Research Paper Example My Vision My vision is to be an impeccable professional in business related area who cuts a niche in the competitive business landscape as one of the reliable, efficient, and trusted business mind that can initiate projects, monitor then, analyzed them for the benefit of the business and the community at large. In this reference, I intend to urge and acquire admiration from upcoming professionals in the same field so that they can develop interest and generate energy for achieving self-determination goals in their professional lives. I also intend to cooperate with my colleges in striking higher standards through pulling different knowledge and experience for the purpose of discerning much in the business profession. My Values I believe in quality, efficiency, and relevancy as the most important values that can drive change in the business environment, I therefore wish to cooperate with the relevant partners in achieving these values through diligent, professional, and sheer integrit y. In working with the partners, I remain optimistic that my clients in the business fields will not fall short of series of innovative skills, technology, and the required expertise that will be able to move their organization steps ahead and give them a competitive edge in their quest to satisfy customerâۉ„¢s needs. I believe this cooperation will resonates equally with the expectation of the society. What I want to Provide Value for in the Future I come from the school of though that business and healthy competition is brought about by either the ability of an organization to acquire information and use the information in their best interest within the opportune time. In this reference, I would want to provide value for the Information technology in businesses. Through information technology, businesses are able to receive information on time and act on them, they are also able to analyzed and construe the implication of several data efficiently, reliably, and take the necess ary steps according to the data analyzed. Through synchronized IT in business, we can track all our clients and market our services with ease unlike manual operation without IT assistance. This consideration makes see the opportunity for businesses in the future. The meaning of My Work Life I want my life work to be that of solving problems and making it easier for business to be done using new technology and other innovations. This I believe will put me in a better position in serving the needs of the business entities as well as the community at large. In other way, the meaning of my work life is that which is full of optimism and belief that all is possible with the right efforts and progressive thinking. This is guided by the fact that business is about change and we have to look for ways of making the change be positive and beneficial to the business fraternity. Whom I want to benefit With my professional training, I want to benefit all, this is because the services and the tec hnological advancement that I intend to put into place cuts across everybody I the society and thus all will be taken care of in my discharge of professional knowledge. The business people will be easily connected with the consumers and thus marketing of products can be enhance by the organizations, on the other hand, through technology, consumers can make purchase online and avoid the tedious process of

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The kidneys structure, functions, and what controls these functions Essay Example for Free

The kidneys structure, functions, and what controls these functions Essay The kidney is made up of nephrons, which are a kidneys functional units. These nephrons collect fluid filtered from the blood. The kidney connects to the renal artery, renal, vein, and ureter. Purified blood leaves the kidney using the renal vein, urine leaves using a ureter and the renal artery carries blood from the aorta to the kidney. The nephron has a cup-shaped nephric capsule that surrounds a cluster of capillaries called the glomerulus. A good deal of fluid from the blood filters into the capsule. Large proteins and whole blood cells are left behind due to the fact that their too big to pass through the filters along with the plasma or blood fluid. There are four main parts of the nephron tubule: the proximal convoluted tubule, the U-shaped loop of Henle, the distal convoluted tubule, and the collecting duct. A substantial amount of resorption takes place in the proximal convoluted tubule. The small proteins, glucose, and ions are returned to the blood by active transport. If the glucose in the filtrate, or filtered fluid, exceeds the kidney threshold level, some glucose will remain and appear in the urine. The loops of Henle permit the production of rather concentrated urine. The collecting duct, together with the loop of the Henle, plays a vital role in water balance. The concentration of urine takes place in the collecting ducts although the process depends on the activities in the loops of Henle. The loops of Henle and the collecting ducts are in the medulla of the kidney. The other parts of the nephron are outside the medulla in the outer region, the cortex. Theres a fluid in the medulla that contains an osmotic gradient in which solutes are steadily more concentrated in the direction away from the cortex. There are two kinds of solutes in the gradient: salt and urea. The loops of Henle create a salt gradient which actively transport salt ions out of the filtrate. The actual concentration of the urine takes place in the collecting duct after the urine passes through the distal convoluted tubule from the loop of Henle. The urine leaves the collecting duct through the pelvis of the kidney  and down the ureter to the urinary bladder. Urine composition and rate of urine formation is regulated by the hormones vasopressin, aldosterone, and angiotensin, and the enzyme renin. The posterior pituitary gland in the brain releases vasopressin. Vasopressin increases resorption of water from the urine. When the body is losing water the body stimulates vasopressin secretion in result slowing down the loss of water through urine. The body detects water decrease either by lower blood volume (i.e. bleeding) or an increase in concentration of blood plasma (i.e. sweating). Very little water is resorbed from urine when there is an absence of vasopressin. Water volume depends on the amount of salt; therefore the amount of salt in the body directly affects the volume and concentration of the blood. When the salt levels in the blood increase the adrenal gland in the kidney secretes a hormone called aldosterone. Aldosterone causes the body to resorb sodium by the distal tubule. The rate is determined by blood salt content. Since less salt is resorbed by the kidney the urines salt content increases therefore increasing urinary volume. When the sodium levels in the blood decrease the kidneys secrete and enzyme called renin. Renin converts the plasma protein angiotensinogen into the hormone angiotensin. Angiotensin causes the constriction of blood vessels to increase the aldosterone secretion. Then the aldosterone promotes the resorption of sodium by the kidney and the urines salt content decreasing urinary volume.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Kurt Cobain :: essays research papers

Kurt Cobain The number one cause of death in teens is suicide? Looking back to one of the most commonly known and most devistating suicides, of Kurt Cobain lead singer of the former band Nirvana. In his time of music he had the world in his hands. He used personal turmoil as fuel for great music. Suprisingly, he seemed unusually tortured by success. The author of Come As You Are: The Story of Nirvana said, "He was a very bright, sweet, generous, and caring person, perhaps a little too sweet and sensitive for the business he was in." One of Cobain's biggest worries was that his band had sold out. In one line of a not-so-popular song he says, "I'd rather be dead than be cool." It seemed like the once unknown punkish Seattle band moved mainstream overnight. Nirvana caught on fast and changed rock and roll music forever. Nirvana, along with a few other Seattle bands, molded the music of the 90's, alternative. Where did it all start for Kurt? Kurt Donald Cobain was born February 20, 1967. He was a happy child living with his mother and father in Aberdeen, Washington. But the happiness, soon interrupted in 1975 when Kurt's parents got divorced. Kurt was ashamed. He longed for the typical "Brady Bunch" family, but instead he lived in a trailor with his mother. In result of this Cobain became extremely anti-social, he had few friends, and was beat up alot. On his 14th birthday Kurt recieved his first guitar. He had been writing poetry since he was 13, so he started using his poetry to write songs. He was in several bands throughout highschool, some of them were named Fecal Matter, Skid Row, Brown Cow, The Sellouts, and Pencap Chew. Around the time of Kurts senoir year he formed Nirvana with high school friend, Krist (Chris) Novoselic. A few drummers of their's fell through and then they found what kurt called "the worlds best drummer", Dave Grohl. His drumming style was exactly what nirvana needed. Two months before Kurt's high school graduation he dropped out. This move made his mother angry so she kicked him out of the house. He lived with friends, and for a time he even lived under a bridge of the Wishkah River in Aberdeen. A few years later, in June of '89, Nirvana's first album was released, entitled Bleach. They did short US tours and European tours to promote their album with bands such as Pearl Jam and Red Hot Chili Peppers.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Fast Company Analysis

Fastenal Company was founded in 1967 in Winona, Minnesota by Bob Kierlin. During the first month of business, Mr. Kierlin only managed to make $157 in sales. Despite the slow start, Mr. Kierlin knew what he wanted to do to make Fastenal successful, and that was to provide the kind of service that keeps customers coming back. This is when âہ"Growth Through Customer Service† was invented. Since then, âہ"Growth Through Customer Service† has been the mission of Fastenal. Fastenal is an industrial supply company and since 1967, 2,500 stores have opened across 50 states, Canada, Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Netherlands, Europe, China, and Singapore. Each store utilizes local inventory, outside sales staff, and on-site delivery vehicles to help save the customersâۉ„¢ time and money. Fastenal also owns and operates 16 Distribution Centers with a fleet of over 180 semi-trucks and trailers. Fastenalâۉ„¢s organization structure allows a customer to receive a fully-customized part hand delivered by an employee within three days. Fastenalâۉ„¢s main inventory is fasteners like screw, nuts, washers, and threaded rod. Fastenal has over 700,000 individual inventory items that range from power tools to tape to janitorial supplies. Fastenalâۉ„¢s target market is mainly focused on companies that consistently need to buy parts for the jobs they need to complete regularly. Fastenal even has vending machines stocked with custom inventory to provide companies in need of access to certain parts without having to come into the store each time. Vending machines are critical to the business strategy of Fastenal; the machines provide excellent customer service and convenience without an employee having to be present. It ensures that the companies with the vending machine will continuously and consistently purchase products. Fastenalâۉ„¢s marketing plan relies on monthly product deals that are distributed to every account owner each month. Outside sales staff and managers will deliver the catalogs each month. Fastenal also has an online presence, companies have the ability to go online and design an order template for quick and easy purchasing. Fastenal currently sponsors Carl Edwards from NASCAR, Americaâۉ„¢s most viewed sport, as an additional source of marketing. In May 2011, Fastenal made over 200,000 sales, 29% more than 2010. Fastenal opened nine new stores this month and 57 this year-to-date. Fastenal has also hired 2,000 more employees compared to 2010. Performance of the company varies from month to month because the winter months of the year typically have less construction occurring which results in a smaller demand of what Fastenal offers.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

I Am a Student of Nazarbayev Ntelectual School Essay

Kazakhstan is situated in Central Asia. For all Kazakhstanâۉ„¢s people Kazakhstan is very important, precious, beloved country, because itâۉ„¢s our Motherland. Our republic is washed by Caspian Sea and Aral Sea. When snow is lying in the north, fruit trees are blossomed at the foot of the mountains in the south. There are many rivers and lakes. The land in Kazakhstan is very diverse and has different types of terrains like flatlands, rock-canyons, hills, mountains and etc. The bowels of Kazakh ground is rich. We have coal, strike oil, gold, urn, lead, zinc, iron. Dombra is one of national stringed instrument. When we hear a folk air of dombra, we imagine immense steppes, free wind, and rider on dashing horse. Fifteen millions persons are lived as a united family in Kazakhstan. The population includes above one hundred twenty nationalities. Although people speak on different languages, confess different religions and have different cultures, they live in agreement. Kazakh ground is famous for her hospitableness, so why here live so different nationalities. Kazakhstan is home to a large number of talented people: Abay Kunanbaev, Mukhtar Auezov, Kanysh Satpayev, Gabit Musirepov, Saken Seyfullin, Kurmangazy, Jambyl Jabayev, among many others. When we get independent, president of new country became Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbaev. He is very wise, honest, righteous leader. Due to his diplomacy, we live in prosperity, people can speak out, the sky is always blue, and we have never wars. However I am just a teenager now, Iâۉ„¢m planning my future, Iâۉ„¢m dreaming to become somebody, who will develop our republic. Our work is our study, it is lying in being kind and generous, to esteem elderly persons and contemporaries, to be interested in many things. We shouldnâۉ„¢t leave persons in a difficult situation and without help. Of course, each person wants to be sure that his live in safe. Peace and agreement are the most important things for everybody. We are sure in our future; our president will do everything to make his nation happy. We believe him! Nation of Kazakhstan is unity. It helps to conserve peace on ancient, splendid Kazakh lands. As a result I would like to say that peace is the most important condition future prosperity. Kazakhstan is a country of big opportunities. Her development goes with great speed. Such is my Motherland: peaceable, free, rich, multinational. How we canâۉ„¢t love so amazing country? We pride in our history. We should devote our lives to her present for our common future.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Promoting Courteous Classroom Behavior †Psychology Essay

Promoting Courteous Classroom Behavior âۉ€œ Psychology Essay Free Online Research Papers Promoting Courteous Classroom Behavior Psychology Essay From state to state, city to city, system to system, classroom to classroom, teachers are united in the struggle to promote courteous classroom behavior while creating a classroom climate that is conducive to learning. This paper focuses on three distinct classroom discipline strategies which are, controlling undesirable behavior, encouraging good behavior, and strengthening your relationship with students. These principles of effective discipline strategies will force you to transform your thinking, your personality, and your teaching style. As a teacher, it appears that students simply donâۉ„¢t care. Why? Is it due to lack of motivation, too many children in classes, lack of parental involvement, or insufficient funds for adequate supplies and/or materials? Whatever may be the case, many books and articles have been written on this problematic subject to teach teachers the process of using effective classroom methods to defray some of these discipline areas. Many teachers daily address these challenging behaviors in the classroom. Many have been trained and feel well prepared to teach their academics to their students. However, true learning comes inside that classroom when it is just you and those students. The first day sets the tone for the remainder of the academic school year. Your approach and methods for behavior management used on that very first day, tells the students your standards and your expectations. Controlling undesirable behavior can be done effectively and efficiently with a classroom atmosphere based on caring, kindness, dignity, and mutual respect. Our environment or the arrangement of space emits a powerful message to our students about our expectations for their behavior. The environment should be stimulating, inviting and nurturing to all students and their academic performance. It should evolve around their interests. This kind of environment would bring a sense of belonging to them especially if they are allowed to be a part of the creations and decorations. Involve the students with the plans and layout of the classroom. Get those âہ"creative juices† flowing. Many of our students are creative beings, very artistic, and highly talented. They have unlimited resources with worthwhile skills and ideas that often times get overlooked by teachers. Teachers donâۉ„¢t have to do it all. Delegate some authority, with limits, to the students. Seeing their ideas valued by the teacher is a reward in itself. When they see the fruit of their labor, they will be least likely to cause damage or allow someone else to damage their efforts. According to Seymour and Seymour, âہ"We expect so little from kids. Is it really surprising when we get so little in return?† Effective teaching is another fringe benefit for controlling undesirable behavior. Effective teachers are always exploring new ideas, reviewing, reteaching, taking risks, and always learning. They are willing to try new things with new approaches. They realize that the textbook is not the only working source available for the learning process. They use other instructional materials to amplify their lessons such as newspapers, internet sources, videos, workbooks, etc. According to Phelan and Schonour, âہ"effective teaching is the best preventive discipline strategy. With the previously stated comments, these teachers will most likely have the least amount of disciplinary problems. Why? The reason is that they focus more on a learning environment, rather than on the problem. They have come to realize that teaching empowering skills such as language, problem solving skills, critical thinking skills, higher order skills, and decision making skills, empower the students with a positive attitude for success in life. âہ"When the underlying motivation of discipline is control and punishment rather than an opportunity for learning, little will be accomplished†, according to Positive Discipline in the Classroom by Nelsen, Lott, and Glenn. Students should be taught to be responsible for their own actions and to accept the consequences/punishment for their negative ones. Be upfront with the rules/procedures of the classroom. These rules should be set on the first day of school. There shall be no more than three rules set for the class. Those rules, along with the school wide rules, should be visible along with their consequences. Classroom rules are established not to punish the students, but rather to help with discipline problems and to improve behavior. Rules donâۉ„¢t have to be over burdensome for students and teachers, but executed consistently and fairly by the teacher. Students, especially the upper grades, can take part in establishing these classroom rules. Every effective teacher needs several positive discipline classroom management tools. In the book, âہ"Positive Discipline in the Classroom, the authors point out many useful tools that could be implemented by the teacher. As the teacher, you can present your students with limited choices. These choices should be age appropriate with at least two acceptable options. âہ"Itâۉ„¢s not appropriate, for instance, to give students a choice about whether or not they want to learn to read, go to school, hurt someone else, be in dangerous situation such as climbing on the roof, and so on†, Glenn, Lott, and Nelsen. Studentsâۉ„¢ choices should be limited and the teacher should be willing to accept either choice that the student chooses. In other words, donâۉ„¢t offer a choice that youâۉ„¢ll not happy with and/or acceptance to you. Another tool is classroom jobs. Various jobs could be assigned to various students to give them opportunities to contribute in a meaningful way. Assigning jobs is one way to help students to feel better about themselves and a way of keeping them from misbehaving inappropriately. More on assigning jobs will be discussed under the second classroom strategy, âہ"encouraging good behavior†. Encouraging good behavior means getting the students to perform in a positive way such as âہ"start doing their schoolwork, lining up, paying attention, cleaning their desks and transitioning smoothly† according to Phelan and Schonour. Many strategies are useful for encouraging your students to perform in a desired manner. This method may require more time especially if you are trying to get control of your classroom by managing their obnoxious conduct. One step toward good behavior is positive reinforcement. Phelan and Schonour points out that most teachers will not stop to praise the class when they are quiet and engaged in the assignment. Why? Because when adults are happy and content themselves, they are not particularly motivated to do anything more than what theyâۉ„¢re already doing according to Phelan and Schonour. In other words, that small window of opportunity to sit down and/or grade papers may never present itself before the end of the day. We donâۉ„¢t want our kids to feel that they are a pain in the neck to us; so therefore, we offer praise as often as possible. âہ"Praise should be given early and often every day. Your praise and other positive interactions with your students should outnumber your negative comments by a ratio of about two or three to one. If you look, you shouldnâۉ„¢t have trouble finding something to reinforce: âہ"Thanks for passing out the papers.† âہ"You started your work all by yourself! Wonderful!† âہ"Your reading buddy really likes you.† âہ"You guys did a good job of getting along during recess today.† âہ"I think you got ready for science in record time this morning!† âہ"Good job on that math test, John.† âہ"I saw you out on the soccer field. You played hard- good hustle!† âہ"Thatâۉ„¢s terrific! I knew you could do it!† (Phelan and Schonour) Donâۉ„¢t just praise kids for successfully carrying out simple requests, but praise them also for cooperation, for motivating others, and for good performance. Please be sure that you tailor your praise for each child. Bobby may like been praised in front, while others may find it sickening. Therefore, know your students and know who would benefit from your motivational techniques versus those who this approach would be ineffective. Two additional self-esteem boosters are: (1) praise in front of other people and (2) unexpected praise (Phelan and Schonour). For example, Jessica comes up to you while you are talking with the assistant principal and you stop to brag on her accomplishments. Well, Jessica is glowing with excitement and pride. Unexpected praise can be rewarding to the student because generally the only time they may get called on by the teacher is for answering a question and/or the student may feel as if he/she is in trouble. For example, you may notice that Stephanie is helping Rachel with her belongings because Rachel has injured her ankle and has to use crutches. Therefore, Stephanie carries the backpack for her to the next class. You praise Stephanie for her thoughtfulness and her kind deed. You respond positively to Stephanieâۉ„¢s act of kindness. Stephanie may be one that always stays in trouble at school. The only words she gets are those that only deepen her anguish. Unexpe ctedly she receives positive praise from you which now encourages her to do more while giving her a sense of satisfaction. By the teacher openly praising Stephanie, this tactic would motivate others to join her. All people love to hear praise, rather than someone nagging or fussing at them. Kitchen timers can be a remarkable device for promoting good behavior in students. Timers are a useful tool for assisting you with your class. They can be useful for starting and ending group work, lining up, cleaning-up or transitioning. Use them to time the âہ"time out† students, but be sure that the students cannot adjust the time. If an unexpected visitor is coming, using the timer to get the kids to quickly straighten the classroom. The award is getting it done before time is up. The docking system is another useful strategy for encouraging good behavior. This principle is founded on this basic idea, do the work and get paid. If you donâۉ„¢t do the work, youâۉ„¢ll pay me. This system is for children in kindergarten or above. However, some sort of token economy system must be in place so that your students will have a source of funds. A token economy can work in various ways. Groups or individual students can earn tokens. Tokens are things like stickers, plastic chips, laminated pieces of construction paper, etc. According to Phelan and Schonour, âہ"you can make tokens an academic activity as well by using plastic or paper money or a checkbook. Students are motivated to add up their âہ"money,† and they may not even realize that they are also practicing math skills at the same time.† The teacher decides how the tokens are distributed. Some may distribute throughout the day while others issue them at the end of the day. Kids collecting tokens is a motivator to yield positive behavior, but for some the tokens need to be connected to an artificial reinforcer the student can âہ"buy.† In that case, the teacher will have âہ"store time.† How often the store is open varies with the teacher. Some teachers open the store once a week, whereas, some have an auction at the end of the year. Naturally, the more tokens earned, the more the student can spend. The tokens can be used for various things like broken property, forgetting to feed the class pet, jobs not done, and not taking a time out. John forgets to feed the class hamster and the teacher has to do it. The next day, John tells you that he forgot to feed the hamster before leaving school yesterday. Now you must remind him that he owes you from his account. (Students should know in advance what the rewards/consequences are for each action) Fines should not be used for academics such as a student not doing his class work or homework. Students cannot use tokens to pay for someone else to do his assignments. However, at the high school level, they may use them to go and get their assignment out of their locker. Another approach is natural consequences wherein the world teaches the student what works and what doesnâۉ„¢t. For example, Timothy has to miss recess because he was in time out or the librarian doesnâۉ„¢t allow Nikki to check out a book because she didnâۉ„¢t return the last one. Charting is a visible way for the students to track the progress of their behavior. It is useful in that it motivates the students to behave. With this approach, a calendar is used for keeping track of how well a student is doing with his/her behavior. A chart would indicate if the student stayed in his seat, completed all assignments, not talking to other students, etc. For example, (for little kids) if a student stayed in his seat, you would indicate this by placing a sticker on the chart. For older kids, numbers, points or grades could be placed on the chart. A chart might look like this: Monday Tuesday Wed. Thursday Friday Worked Quietly Stayed in seat Completedassignments This student is working quietly, staying in his seat and has completed all assignments. The chart could be placed on the childâۉ„¢s desk, on the wall, or in a folder. Charting in itself can be a âہ"natural reinforcer† to the student in terms of praise and satisfaction which builds up his confident and self-esteem. âہ"If natural reinforcers are enough to elicit cooperation, stop there. The goal is to help the child develop intrinsic motivation rather than only being motivated by an extrinsic reward- what she âہ"gets out of it.† (Phelan and Schonour) Natural reinforcers sometimes may not be enough to motivate a student to finish a task; so therefore, artificial reinforcers may be used, which mean that the child is going to earn something. In the case of Harry who doesnâۉ„¢t want to keep his desk clean, could earn tokens or a special time with you after he has kept his desk cleaned for a month. For older kids, the rewards should be larger and take a more time to earn. Rewards do not always have to be material, but could be earning the privilege to do a special activity. Some possible artificial reinforcers are: ? Brightly colored tokens ? Extra preferred activity time ? Stickers, happy faces ? Playing a special game ? A grab-bag surprise ? A book to take home over the weekend ? Choice of one of three reinforcers ? Playing a game with the principal ? Reading a story with a special adult ? A homework pass ? A snack Keep the chart simple. Rate only two to four behaviors at one time. Too many gets confusing. Use it only for a limited time because the positive effects will fade away. When the child receives good scores for about two weeks, do away with the chart. If the child begins to exhibit bad behavior, reinforce the chart again. Please allow time for the children to spend their tokens. Spending tokens gives them power not to mention makes them apply basic mathematical skills. Research Papers on Promoting Courteous Classroom Behavior - Psychology EssayStandardized TestingEffects of Television Violence on ChildrenThe Relationship Between Delinquency and Drug UseBionic Assembly System: A New Concept of SelfComparison: Letter from Birmingham and CritoThe Project Managment Office SystemInfluences of Socio-Economic Status of Married MalesOpen Architechture a white paperPersonal Experience with Teen PregnancyDefinition of Export Quotas

Monday, November 4, 2019

Service Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Service - Assignment Example In fact, the company had no policy on how to deal with chronically complaining clients versus this critical case of a one-time customer. According to Churchman, a system is defined as a distinct set of parts that are designed in a coordinated manner to deliver some set objectives (churchman, 1968). In the case of Presto cleaners, the entire business operations formed the core system, and the newly installed computer system was just an additional component to the system. The additional component was expected to streamline business operations and improve efficiency, but it ended up creating inconveniencies. A critical analysis of the vents reveals that the computer system installed was alright, but the root cause of the problem resulted from poor reception of the components into the system. The newly introduced computerized environment was responsible for a change in the system. It is plausible that the general manager at Presto had only one week to familiarize the personnel with the workings of the new computer system. However, the employees took longer than expected to acquaint themselves with the workings of the new system. Ion adequate training resulted in incompetent personnel, who ended up making grave mistakes leading to customer complaints. The system was designed and expected to reduce customer waiting time and improve service delivery. The system was expected to increase the rate of picking and dropping laundry items, hence increase the total bulk of clothes processed daily. It is apparent that there was nothing wrong with the whole system in the first place. It only required the management to create an enabling environment that will make it possible to introduce new components into the system in a smooth transition. The considerations of systems thinking as elucidated by Churchman can serve as vital ingredients in an organization

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Midterm Essay Question about Germany Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Midterm Question about Germany - Essay Example Strategy The Germanyâۉ„¢s military strategy was to control Alsace region up to the mountain range, the Thionville and Metz in order to protect the borders and sovereignty of Germany. The military had also planned to control the Thionville and Metz during the war. The developing of the strategy of taking over the aforementioned lands helped Germans to win in the Franco-Prussian war in 1871 and contributed to the defeat of France and emergence of united German state. Economy According to Pohlsander (27), the military had interest in some states like the Alsace-Lorrain which had iron-ore and coal resources. With the help of these natural resources German leaders planned to develop the countryâۉ„¢s economy. The main goal was military annexation since France had lost some land and inhabitants. It had also lost its mining and steel potential. The German Empire wanted to achieve growth of its economy and so the creation of a free independent nation-state able to wage war against its neighbors was a must at that time. Factors from European World that Contributed to Germanyâۉ„¢s Development from 18 Century through 1871 Germanyâۉ„¢s development was contributed to by different factors during that period; these included political and military factors, the factor of French culture and religious reforms among others. The Prussian State The German Prussian state played a major role in the development of Germany. Prussia was the biggest state and also most developed one which controlled Zollverein and most of the German states during that period. Zollverein was a union that was used to enable the states to compare their developments and statuses within the context of... The European world contributed majorly to the development of Germany. The victory in the war made the nation stronger as from 1871 the military forces continued becoming more powerful and grew in number as the French wanted revenge (Pohlsander 53). There was economic growth due to the unification of the states, which enabled them to trade and contributed to civilization growth. Despite the fact that a lot of citizens lost their lives either in war or due to epidemics like different diseases, Otto von Bismarck was able to defeat France in war. Germany established its own state which it is still among the most powerful nations in the world. We have learnt that the economic development from 1815-1871 contributed to Germanyâۉ„¢s unification as only after the war with the economic boom Germany became the nation as it is today.